Thursday, June 28, 2007

Jason's Mustang Restoration Project - Engine And Transmission(Part 3)

This is a set of photos showing the continuing work being done on
the engine and transmission.

January 19, 2002

Things finally seem to be moving along! The engine is beginning to look more like it's completed now, and the transmission is completely disassembeled and cleaned out.

The first two photos show the newly installed heater box in the engine bay and the gas filler tube with (most) of the correct screws in it now. The rest of the photos show the transmission and engine progress.

I am told that a thick layer of varnish ad built up in the transmission and that it took them days to scrape all of it out. What is shown here is many of the internal pieces of this original C-4 Automatic. I think most of it looks pretty good for such an old transmission.

I thought it would be good to put up some detailed pictures of some of the internals for people who don't get to see them very often.

It is obvious that somewhere along the line, someone tried to rebuild it as the fiber plates look almost new, and the modulator was missing the pin that is supposed to be in one end.

The engine is mostly re-assembled now, and the paint looks great. They did manage to get paint on a few places that shouldnt have it, but with the help of Bob Mannel's V8 book, they are going to clean it off of the places they need to (like the water connection on the front of the intake manifold.)

The 16th photo shows the Napa "correct" fuel pump next to the one that came off of the engine. Neither one appears to be the same as the pumps that we see in Mannel's book, so I guess I need to investigate that some more.

Hopefully, things should keep moving fast..